The Ultimate Guide to Strawberry Picking in New Jersey: Tips for a Fun-Filled Day

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Are you ready to embark on a strawberry-picking adventure in New Jersey?

This comprehensive guide covers all the essential tips to ensure a memorable and enjoyable experience. We've covered you, from dressing appropriately to choosing the perfect strawberries. Get ready to pick your strawberries in New Jersey.

Discover the Joys of Strawberry Picking in New Jersey

Strawberry picking in New Jersey is a cherished tradition for families and friends looking to spend a fun-filled day outdoors. This guide will offer useful tips and information to make your strawberry-picking experience enjoyable.

The Perfect Time to Visit Strawberry Fields

Strawberry season in New Jersey typically runs from late May to mid-June, but the exact timing may vary depending on the weather and farm location. Checking with local farms before planning your trip is essential, as picking hours and availability can change due to weather and crop conditions.

Essential Tips for a Successful Strawberry Picking Day

To make your strawberry picking experience as enjoyable as possible, keep these tips in mind:

Dress for the Occasion

  • Wear comfortable clothes that you don't mind getting dirty.
  • Choose closed-toe shoes to protect your feet while walking in the fields.
  • Bring a hat and sunglasses for sun protection.
  • Apply sunscreen and insect repellent before heading out.

Be Prepared

  • Bring containers or baskets for holding your freshly picked strawberries.
  • Pack a picnic lunch, snacks, and water to enjoy during your visit.
  • Bring wet wipes or hand sanitizer for easy clean-up after picking.
  • Watch the weather and be prepared for sudden changes.

Picking the Perfect Strawberries

  • Look for plump, fully red berries with a bright green stem and cap.
  • Gently twist the strawberry from the stem rather than pulling it to avoid damaging the plant.
  • Be mindful of the ripest berries, which may be hidden under leaves or lower on the plant.

Storing and Enjoying Your Harvest

  • Keep your strawberries cool and dry to prevent them from spoiling quickly.
  • Rinse them only when you're ready to eat or use them to maintain freshness.
  • Freeze any excess strawberries for use in smoothies, baking, or preserving.


If you have any questions, you should give us a call today or visit our other pages about strawberry picking in New Jersey

Pick Your Own Strawberrys